Expressing Our Gratitude in 2020

Stylized Money Tree

Well, 2020 hasn’t gone the way anyone predicted. But for that reason, I think it’s all the more important to remember the things that have gone well. Here at KBS CFO, some things haven’t worked out, but many things have gone right this year. The more I think about it, the more I realize how many things and people we can give thanks for in 2020.


KBS CFO wouldn’t be a customer-centric, sustaining, authentic organization without the amazing Maryland-based team that stands behind the scenes to care for all of our clients.  As the founder and CEO, I couldn’t be more proud and appreciative of the incredible team of committed employees that KBS CFO has been fortunate to build and grow with.


Thank you to my wonderful clients. 2020 has been the most challenging year that many of you have faced. We appreciate your business and your grit and your grace under pressure. Our clients in Washington D.C. and around the country have such unique business offerings; it’s been a pleasure to work with you this year. We will send this as a generic shout-out in the interest of confidentiality. We will be in touch with each of you personally to share our gratitude.


We’ve been privileged to work with some terrific business partners this year.  Partnerships with  American Distilling Institute and Orchestra have been invaluable in launching DistilleryCFO, and I am grateful to the amazing people who work there.  Our business wouldn’t have made it nearly this far without our partnerships with vendors that support our clients and our work.

A shortlist of a few of the partners (apologies in advance for those that I have missed):

XCM Solutions, accounting workflow automation solutions 

Spring Insight, Digital Marketing  

Unanet Financial Systems, ERP financial reporting software

Sage Intacct, Accounting software

Intuit Accounting Systems

AICPA/MACPA, Maryland CPA association

Flex Professionals, Job solutions matching service

Keeper Security, Password manager

FrontApp, Customer communication platform

PlanGuru, Budgeting and planning software

While some of these partners may appear to be software solutions and not people, that couldn’t be further from the reality of our relationships with these organizations.  Indeed, we couldn’t run our business without these software solutions, but it’s the people standing behind the software who make those relationships so strong. No company is an island, and we’ve benefited from their help this year.


It’s hard to be a small-business owner, particularly in a rocky year like 2020. I’ve found it invaluable to have colleagues who can share their hard-won advice or let you vent about that problematic business challenge.  Bill Sheridan, Aviva Goldfarb, Kelly Jennings, Jeanne Rossomme, and the rest of the gang in my coveted Women’s Entrepreneur Group (WEG – Women’s Entrepreneur Group – A Lean In Circle) have been my inspirations, mentors, and cheerleaders.  I am grateful to have them in my life.


If you are reading this, then I am thankful for you. One change I have made this year that has been meaningful to me and KBS CFO has been writing blogs more consistently. I have done that because you have driven me to do so. Your attention and feedback have encouraged me to be better. Thank you.