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hype cycle graph

The Design Builder’s Gift: Guiding Clients Through the Hype Cycle

May 25, 2024

Design builders are incredibly gifted at transforming our most prized possessions. They can envision a new future for a kitchen, bathroom, or outside living area, plan out how to make that vision a reality, and then execute it step-by-step until the project is done.  At…

Second quarter is a time for growth, people on an arrow going up

The Second Quarter is the Time for Business Growth

April 25, 2024

The first quarter is a very busy time of year for those of us in the accounting world. It is well known that tax accountants are overextended and up to their eyeballs in preparing and filing income tax returns for their clients from January until…


Accounting Apprenticeship: An Old School Solution to a Modern Workforce Problem

March 28, 2024

The accounting profession is experiencing a workforce shortage of epic proportions, the effects of which are cascading. Accounting firms are massively understaffed, which is leading to all sorts of problems, in personal lives, for businesses, and even on Wall Street. Risk of Burnout and Mistakes…

How Choosing the Right Tool Makes All the Difference for Fractional CFO Clients

February 22, 2024

One of the ways we make sure our business owner clients achieve their goals for sustainability and growth is to get face time with them on a regular basis. We sit down together every month, online or in person, and check in on how things…

a small business with a woman standing next the building and a man sitting on the roof of building

3 Ways to Secure Cash Infusions for Small Businesses in 2024

January 25, 2024

There is no shortage of advice online about what small businesses need to do to expand or grow their operations during tough economic times. They talk about marketing efforts, restructuring lease agreements and debt, or moving business online. These articles might be all well and…

A man standing and a woman sitting on a calculator next to a business tax form

Fractional CFOs Prepare Your Business for Taxes

December 19, 2023

I recently wrote an article about one of the things I’ve noticed when “talking shop” with business owners. Many of them aren’t really clear on what a firm like KBS CFO can actually do for them. I got into the advisory nature of what CPAs…

Beyond the Books: The Difference Between A Tax Accountant and A CPA

Beyond the Books: The Difference Between a Tax Accountant and a CPA

November 18, 2023

As a CPA, Fractional CFO, and Anticipatory Accountant, speaking to business owners about what I do is part of my day-to-day. I’ve been in this field for quite some time, have had many such conversations, and I’m always eager to “talk shop.” Something I’ve noticed…

how an allowance protects contractor profit margins in every market

Constructing your margin super powers – Allowances, Contingencies and more

October 16, 2023

Our accounting firm works regularly with general Design/Build Contractors. In the role as an Anticipatory Accountant, my job goes well beyond making sure their financial reports are capturing the accounting story accurately, they are in compliance with state and local tax regulations, liaising with the…

Let’s Talk Exit Strategy: How an Anticipatory Accountant Impacts the Value of Your Business

September 22, 2023

As a Fractional CFO and Anticipatory Accountant, I work with many business owners over long periods of time…from the time they are just getting off the ground until they are ready to step away from their business.  Business owners choose to leave their businesses behind…